8315 Hawkshead SE · Byron center, MI 49315 · phone: 616-554-7762
Contact us at byroncenterdaycare@gmail.com
Daily Schedule
This sheet is a daily activity schedule for young children in a full-day program. The program is designed to give your child the foundation to be ready to school. Monthly themes and weekly activities are designed to pave the way in your child’s development in all areas, including math, science, and social interaction.
8:00-8:45am Drop Off- Breakfast/Free Play
8:45-9:00am Clean up time and option/reminder for changing diapers and/or potty time
9:00-9:30 Circle Time (nursery songs, story time)
9:30-10:15 Centers/small group/Outside Time Morning meeting~ Children Planning their day and job responsibilities. We start with the activities that the children planned to do i.e. stations: block, kitchen, dress up area, etc., touch/feel exploration table, arts and crafts, playdoh, push pin, etc. (We can be flexible -sometimes we go outside first instead of centers if the children want to do that first or if it is raining)
10:15-10:30 Snack -wash up/potty break
10:30-11:30 Outside Time
11:30-11:45 wash up -child choice or quiet activities i.e. reading books, puzzles, magnets, dry erase while lunch is getting ready)
11:45-12:15 Lunch
12:15-12:30 Brush teeth/Potty Break
12:30-2:30 rest time and/or quiet time (children help to set up their beds)
2:30-3:00 Snack/Potty Break
3:00-3:45 Outside Time
3:45-4:00 Circle Time
4:00:00pm Goodbyes!