Mi Casa su Casa is a Demonstrating Quality Early Childhood Program validated by the State Of Michigan Great Start to Quality Rating System 

Find out more about Great Start to Quality by visiting their website at http://greatstarttoquality.org


Great Start to Quality is Michigan’s tiered quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) that supports early childhood programs and providers in their efforts to improve their programs while helping families find and choose quality programs that meet their children’s needs.

Five categories of program quality indicators, aligned with Michigan‘s Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Infant and Toddler Programs and Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Prekindergartenare used to rate child care and preschool programs to ensure that Michigan’s youngest children have high-quality early learning experiences. Click here to learn how Great Start to Quality works.

Why does Quality matter?

Children start learning from day one – long before kindergarten – so quality child care and preschool can help them succeed in school, work and life by providing a safe and nurturing environment.  Learn more.

Who runs Great Start to Quality?

The Michigan Department of Education – Office of Great Start is the lead agency with funding provided by the federal Child Care Development Fund Block Grant.  The Early Childhood Investment Corporation, an independent and publicly-owned nonprofit coordinating Michigan’s efforts to build an efficient and effective early childhood development system, is directly responsible for the implementation of Great Start to Quality.

Local Support

A network of Great Start to Quality Resource Centers throughout Michigan support providers and educators to improve the quality of their programs by providing individualized consultation, coaching and access to training and resources.  Resource Centers also support parents in their search for high-quality child care and preschool.  Click here to learn more or to find a resource center near you.

Great Start to Quality Advisors

A team of advisors, representing a cross-sector of early childhood experts from state government departments, bureaus, and programs; and early childhood programs, associations, and educational institutions, is convened by the Michigan Department of Education – Office of Great Start and the Early Childhood Investment Corporation.  Members of the Core Advisory Team meet to review the program’s implementation, participation, program quality indicators and feedback.